Finding Peace in Chaos

It was Monday morning and we were running late… again. The boys had been up late the night before watching Daddy win his adult league hockey championship, which was fun and exciting and wonderful, but had contributed to the lack of sleep and crankiness that is Monday morning.

With three fights and numerous tears already under our belts, we piled into the car to head to school. Once everyone was buckled and ready to go, I asked the boys to remain quiet for the drive. Miraculously, they did.

Our drive to school typically takes about 20 minutes. Over the past four years of making that drive, we’ve watched many blocks turn from orange groves and cattle fields to retail, restaurants, housing developments and even a new high school.

As I drove this particular morning something unexpected caught my eye. Amongst the dirt and upheaval of the latest construction site grew tall, beautiful, wheat-colored grass. I’m pretty sure they were weeds, but the angle the sun shone through their amber, wispy tops making them look majestic and even peaceful.

This simple photo I took on my cell phone doesn’t capture their full beauty.

Here, surrounded by broken concrete and noisy construction vehicles, God drew my attention to His beauty, peace and provision. Much like my own life, which that very same morning had felt rushed, tension-ridden and overwhelming, God was reminding me that He is here with me among my chaos and mess.

I often allow the craziness of my life to drown out God’s presence. It’s not that He is no longer with me, but I’ve allowed the disorder of my life to distract me from seeing Him clearly. I’m simply too occupied by the immediate needs in front of me to see God’s presence and provisions all around me.

Join me over the next few weeks to see how I’ve learned to refocus. I will lay out a few ways to find Jesus amid life’s busyness and how to embrace His perfect peace when life feels completely chaotic.

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