It only takes a spark…

I had been scrolling through social media in my usual way; it was the last week of December 2018. All the hype of Christmas had fizzled, the kids were relatively occupied with new toys and activities, and I was longing. I was thinking about the coming New Year wanting some guidance, encouragement and a system to help me evaluate the past year and how to dream about the year to come. But where should I start?

I stumbled across a post from a Mom friend recommending Lara Casey’s blog. Casey had been posting that month helping people like me walk through the very questions I needed. I printed every free resource she had, diligently answered every question and set up some goals for 2019. One of my biggest takeaways from following Casey, and her team at Cultivate What Matters these past 18 months, is to break down your goals into steps so small you can’t help but take action and make progress.

Starting this blog is a prime example.

The Lord has been tugging at my heart to write for the past several months. It is a word from Him that has been hard to wrap my head around. I’m not even a good speller, let alone writer. The writing gene in our family belongs to my sister, certainly not mine. Had I heard Him incorrectly? Nope. God has continued to lay it on my heart to write, put words out there and trust Him with the results.

So here I am, hundreds of simple steps into this “writing” goal, publishing my first blog post.

What better time than when in home quarantine, now home-schooling my 3 and 6 year old boys, life flipped upside down, right? (said sarcastically)

To be honest, hitting publish on this was one of the hardest things I’ve done in a long time. It is my hope to share my life and what God is teaching me in an effort to inspire and encourage others. So together we can even take tiny steps in our own lives, goals, dreams, etc. to experience a spark that ignites change in ourselves, our thinking, those in our household, communities and the world.

Let us all start small and allow God to show us how BIG He truly is.

It only takes a spark.

  • Kim

Let me know a simple, tiny step you plan to take this week. What spark (or result and/or change) are you hoping to see from your small step? Is God taking you out of your comfort zone in anyways? I’m with you and I’d love to hear from you.

6 thoughts on “It only takes a spark…

  1. Suzanna Wesley home schooled all her children. Nine. John Wesley and Charles learned under her close attention and went on to offer the world spiritual direction through their preaching and teaching and hymns.

    Suzanne was a prayer warrior.
    Had did she do it?

    All through the day she would throw her long apron over her head. This was a sign to her children that she was in prayer.

    Waiting on God is a spiritual discipline.
    With or without an apron.

    • Lindy, thanks for your comment! This week has been hard in the anger department for me too. I didn’t realize how much I had gotten used to both kids in school three mornings a week! Trying to figure out how to still get some “me” time and self-care in with both kids around all. the. time. Hugs friend!

  2. Hello!!
    Ok….Simple Step 🤔
    “Be Still”
    Know that he is God.. He is in Control.. He is my Anchor, I can just Be Still and Allow him to be Who He Is in My Life “Abba” ❤️

    • Being still can be so hard, right? But you are so right, He’s got us in His hands. Thanks for reading!

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