I Didn’t Expect This to Top My Gratitude List

… But I’m Glad it Did

This week families across America will be gathering to celebrate Thanksgiving, a holiday designed to remind us of all the reasons we have to be grateful.

There’s something about getting older that brings this season of gratitude into better focus each year. Perhaps because as every year passes, I’m reminded that simply being present to enjoy my family is a huge blessing that many are unable to enjoy. Or maybe it’s because the Fall season has seemed uncertain for me this year. I’ve felt change hiding just around the corner, and it has stirred me to cherish each moment all the more.

What am I grateful for?

There are so many things I could write on my “What I’m grateful for” list but I keep coming back to one. I’m grateful to be known by Jesus.

Psalm 139 is one of my favorite scriptures to read when I’m feeling unsettled. It poetically addresses the numerous ways God knows us and works for our good. A few of the truths mentioned in Psalm 139 that I find comforting are:

  • He knows when I’m resting and when I’m working and traveling.
  • He knows what I’m going to say, even before I do.
  • He created every part of me.
  • He has recorded my life and days in His personal journal.
  • His thoughts about me are precious and too many to count.

In other words, God knows when I’m awake at two in the morning anxious about what tomorrow holds. He knows what conversations I will have and their outcomes. He knows about my aging body and the new aches and pains showing up each week. He has written about me in His own book. He thinks about me so much no human could possibly count His thoughts.

Amid life’s uncertainty, when I don’t have answers or clear understanding of my next right step, I cling to Jesus. He sees me. He knows me. He understands my every thought and circumstance.

When my life is shifting, Jesus is the solid rock on which I stand. May he remind you this Thanksgiving that He is your shepherd, and in Him you have all that you need.

Want to read more about gratitude? Check out my previous post here: Overcoming Jealousy: How to Move from Envious to Thankful

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