Looking for the Light – How to See God in Your Everyday Circumstances

Sunday marked the end of daylight savings time. It seems that everyone either loves or hates this practice of changing their clocks twice a year. I used to hate it when my boys were little because it threw off everyone’s sleep schedules. But now I’ve grown to appreciate it as part of the change in seasons, the transition from summer to winter, day to night, light to dark.

Our bodies were created to need light. According to Medical News Today, sunlight is essential for our physical and mental well-being. It supports bone health, helps lower blood pressure, and facilitates the production of vitamin D. Research also suggests that exposure to early morning light even helps us sleep better at night.

As our world adjusts to these changes in time and daylight, I ponder my relationship with The Light, who is unchanging, always present, and eternal.

My family went for a walk this weekend. Upon our return, I opened the front door and was immediately hit by the smell of smoke. I ran to the kitchen and realized I had left a cast iron skillet on a hot burner.

After I cleaned up the pan and attempted to air out the house, I walked into our living room and was in awe of the beautiful sunlight streaming through the front window. My son and I marveled at how we could see single rays of sunshine beaming through the shades. The smokey room accentuated the presence of light. It was glorious.

Daily Examen

There’s an ancient spiritual practice called the daily examen where you prayerfully reflect on the events of your day. The purpose of this is to see God’s presence and identify how He has been working in your life and all around you.

Just as I could see the sunlight better because of the smoke, sometimes I only see God working when I’m facing big situations. During these circumstances, when life is out of my control, my faith forces me to seek Jesus – his protection, peace, and guidance. However, scripture tells us that Jesus is always with us and working in our lives. So, by practicing the daily examen you are reminding yourself daily to notice where God met you, provided for you, and protected you.

This week, as the daylight shifted, shown in different angles, and captured my attention, it served as a reminder of God’s presences. Lord help us to always be looking for The Light.

Psalm 27:1
The Lord is my light and my salvation — whom shall I fear?

Did you miss my last blog post? Read how to handle life’s unexpected challenges in What to Do When Life Seems Out of Control.

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