Memorizing Scripture Together
…and a Personalized Gift for You and Your Family

The Lord has been convicting me recently.  He has laid it on my heart that I’ve been asking my kids to do things or live in such a way that I don’t practice myself.

This became very evident this fall when my kids joined a local church’s Awana club. If you are not familiar with Awana, it’s a midweek program that gets kids excited about the Bible and builds a foundation of wisdom and deepens their relationship with Christ. It also encourages kids to memorize scripture. How cool!

One afternoon as I helped my sons practice memorizing their Bible verses it occurred to me, “I’m not even memorizing Bible verses. How can I expect my boys to practice this spiritual discipline consistently and faithfully if I’m not doing it myself?”


So, I started writing down verses that were particularly meaningful to me in the back of my journal thinking I’d start committing them to memory. That hasn’t really happened. I have decided to take a different approach, which has led me to a family Christmas gift idea I’d like to share with you.

Scripture Memory Cards

For Christmas this year, I’ve created memory verse cards for each person in my home. They are simple 3×5 index cards fastened together with metal rings.

I started with the cards for my two boys, writing out the verses they’ve already learned at Awana and added several blank cards for them to add more. For my husband I grabbed his old index cards (Shh! Don’t tell him!) with verses he’s been memorizing since college, and added the metal rings, replacing the stretched out hairband he had been using. For me, I transferred those Bible verses I’d been writing in my journal to notecards and bound them with the same metal rings.

To personalize each person’s deck of memory verses, I designed covers for each of us.

Now we each have our own memory verses neatly written out to memorize and review whenever and wherever. The portability and convenience of the deck means my kids can review verses more independently, and for me I can easily read them before bed or throw them in my purse to review in car line or waiting at the doctor’s office.

It is my hope that this simple, inexpensive gift would plant seeds in my kids’ hearts, Jon’s heart, and my own for years to come.

I pray we will embody the words of Psalm 1:2-3, “But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit in season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.”

A Gift for You

I’d love nothing more than for you and your family to join us in memorizing scriptures together.

With six days until Christmas, there’s still plenty of time to put this simple gift together for your family.

Download scripture memory verse cards and covers to personalize and print for each member of your family. Then pick up some metal rings at Target and you’re done!

And I pray that you have a very Merry Christmas, celebrating The Word made flesh and dwelling among us. Merry Christmas!

Instructions for Downloading Your Scripture Memory Covers:

  1. Download the PDF of the scripture memory card covers.
  2. Open the PDF and type in the names of your family members. You may wish to download the free Google font Rubik so it matches the original design. Download Rubik font here.
  3. Print the customize covers on cardstock.
  4. Cut them out along the dotted lines.
  5. Punch holes in the bottom.
  6. Bind them with metal rings. Here’s a link to the ones I used from Target.

If you end up using the Memory Verse Card Covers, please let me know in the comments section below!

Also, if you liked this post and appreciate the free gift, I’d really love it if you took a minute to subscribe to my blog. Simply scroll to the top of this page and enter your email address in the box on the right and push the subscribe button. Then check your email and confirm your subscription. Thank you!

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