Overcoming Jealousy: How to Move from Envious to Thankful

I was scrolling social media drooling over the exotic vacation photos and amazing home renovation pictures so many of my friends were posting. My heart was sinking quickly into the comparison trap and quite honestly, I was jealous.

Before I even recognized I was propelling myself into a downward spiral, a notification popped up. A friend had commented on one of the posts that had made me green with envy. Her words were light and witty, encouraging and genuinely kind. Where she had chosen to celebrate with our friend, I chose bitter envy. She made the better choice, not just for our mutual friend, but for her own spiritual well-being too.

I wish my first response was one like hers, full of cheerleader-style enthusiasm, urging my friend to enjoy her trip or oohing and aweing over her perfect paint color choice. Instead, my internal stewing and comparison left me feeling empty and alone.

The Bible talks a lot about jealousy, often listing it among some pretty weighty sins that are in direct opposition to the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:19-21). When I choose jealousy, it is essentially telling God that I’m not appreciative of what He has given me or where He has placed me.

The best way to overcome jealousy is to practice gratitude. That day as I scrolled social media, I was so focused on the lives of others that I’d totally lost sight of all the amazing blessings in my own life. Jesus is working right in front of me, but I let my jealousy blind me to his everyday blessings. Fight jealousy by looking for and celebrating what God is doing in your life. Setting time aside each day to see the fingerprints of God around you will retrain your brain towards thanksgiving and away from jealousy.

I’m grateful for my friend who showed me a better way. She reminded me that day how to rejoice with others and celebrate how God has blessed them. God has enough to bless us beyond all we could ask or image, so why not celebrate all He has done?

Lord, I confess my jealousy of others. Forgive me for being ungrateful for the abundant blessings you have poured over my life. Teach me to look for your hands working in and around me. Help me to take time every day to express my thanksgiving to you. In your precious name, Amen.

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