I Didn’t Expect This to Top My Gratitude List

... But I'm Glad it Did This week families across America will be gathering to celebrate Thanksgiving, a holiday designed to remind us of all the reasons we have to be grateful. There’s something about getting older that brings this season of gratitude into better focus each year. Perhaps because as every year passes, I’m … Continue reading I Didn’t Expect This to Top My Gratitude List

Looking for the Light – How to See God in Your Everyday Circumstances

Sunday marked the end of daylight savings time. It seems that everyone either loves or hates this practice of changing their clocks twice a year. I used to hate it when my boys were little because it threw off everyone’s sleep schedules. But now I’ve grown to appreciate it as part of the change in … Continue reading Looking for the Light – How to See God in Your Everyday Circumstances

Overcoming Jealousy: How to Move from Envious to Thankful

I was scrolling social media drooling over the exotic vacation photos and amazing home renovation pictures so many of my friends were posting. My heart was sinking quickly into the comparison trap and quite honestly, I was jealous. Before I even recognized I was propelling myself into a downward spiral, a notification popped up. A … Continue reading Overcoming Jealousy: How to Move from Envious to Thankful

From Dreaming to Doing: How to Create Simple Summer Goals You’ll Actually Complete

I’m hoping you’ve had a chance to chat with your family about summer plans, if not, there’s still time! Even if you are reading this in July, I’m a firm believer in the idea that it is never too late to start. Imagine where you can be if you start today. Even just a few … Continue reading From Dreaming to Doing: How to Create Simple Summer Goals You’ll Actually Complete

Peace or Panic: How to Plan a Summer Break that is Perfect for Your Family

Have you ever been told you have only 18 summers with your kids before they leave home? I remember the first time I heard this idea, and it filled me with grief and panic: grief over all the missed opportunities with my boys and panic over how to ensure every summer from here on out … Continue reading Peace or Panic: How to Plan a Summer Break that is Perfect for Your Family