Questions and Answers – Reflections from the Last Few Weeks

I have a slightly different post today, more like a Q&A. I might do this routinely because it served as an effective way for me to reflect, and I always love hearing what books and podcasts you are enjoying – so let’s start there.


What am I reading and listening to?

I’ve started Beth Moore’s new book Chasing Vines and I’m almost finished with the audiobook He Speaks in the Silence by Diane Comer. It’s a thoughtful telling of her struggles and faith journey as she progressively loses her hearing. Some quotes I’ve enjoyed from Comer’s book:

“When life goes bad and we stay mad something terrible happens inside our souls. We lose our ability to hear and suddenly God seems far away and silent.”

“One of the surest ways to hear God is to let go of control. Either by design or because all illusion of control has been ripped away from my grasping hands, the one who calls himself my shepherd steps close when I’ve lost my way. He is near. And His nearness is all I need, all that really helps when life is not as it should be.”

I’m almost caught up on two podcasts, Emily P. Freeman’s The Next Right Thing and Lara Casey’s Cultivate Your Life. I find both to be super encouraging and filled with small, practical steps to make decisions and grow.

What am I looking forward to?

I’m super excited to celebrate my youngest son’s fourth birthday next weekend. It will be a fun, much needed, distraction and change of pace from these repetitive days. We’re going to get the tent out, make s’mores over the firepit and likely swim in the pool – a wonderful camping-pool party mashup!

What am I feeling?

My feelings change often and sometimes quickly, so it really depends on the day, hour or even moment. Right now I’m outside writing while my boys play quarrel-free in our sun-soaked driveway. It is 78 degrees and breezy and life’s craziness seems further away. Right now I’m feeling good. Ask me again in an hour.

What am I learning?

I’m in the process of learning to be a better listener, heavy emphasis on it being a process and journey and by no means have I arrived. I’m beginning to think this is a life-long lesson. But, I’m trying to tune my ears and heart toward God’s voice and also to the voices of my husband and children. I’m working on talking less, reflecting more and making myself available to those I love.

What am I saying yes to?

My sister initiated a virtual family book club. The book arrived today and we’ve already scheduled our first club meeting. Should be fun!

On a more serious note, I said yes this morning to turning my daily walk into #IRunWithMaud. It took courage for me to pin the sign on my shirt, but I’m saying yes when I hear the Lord’s voice, and he’s telling me to stand up and speak out. Dedicating my morning walk to Ahmaud Arbery was my simple next right thing.

What am I saying no to?

I’ve found myself speaking not so kindly to myself. My internal dialogue mainly focused on my body image and I was saying things I would have never dared say aloud to anyone else. I’m saying no to that from now on.


I highly recommend you going through these questions yourself. It was therapeutic for me to put words to some of my thoughts and emotions. Drop me a comment below and let me know some of your favorite books and podcasts, or how you answered one of the above questions. I love reading your feedback. Or subscribe to my blog to get it sent right to your inbox, just check the “notify me of new posts by email” box. Hugs friends!

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