How to Navigate Uncertainty – Summer in the Psalms: Week Three Psalm 42

This past year brought about a lot of uncertainty in my once seemingly steady and stable life. Changes in work situations lead to the possibility of cross-country moves, school adjustments, church searches, and many other uncertainties. There were days in the thick of the unknown that felt dark, unsearchable, and riddled with anxiety. All the … Continue reading How to Navigate Uncertainty – Summer in the Psalms: Week Three Psalm 42

Questions and Answers – Reflections from the Last Few Weeks

I have a slightly different post today, more like a Q&A. I might do this routinely because it served as an effective way for me to reflect, and I always love hearing what books and podcasts you are enjoying – so let’s start there. ___________________________________________________________________________ What am I reading and listening to? I’ve started Beth … Continue reading Questions and Answers – Reflections from the Last Few Weeks