The Number One Way to Find Peace

Knowing and Surrendering All to Jesus

This post is second in a series. Click here to read Part One: Finding Peace in Chaos

In this series, I’m laying out three ways to find Jesus amid life’s busyness and how to embrace His perfect peace when life feels completely chaotic. I’m convinced I can’t talk about finding peace without first sharing with you the author of perfect peace, Jesus.

The very first step to finding peace is to know Jesus. Prince of Peace is one of the many names the Bible gives Jesus (Isaiah 9:6). If you look at the original Hebrew meaning it translates into the keeper or warden of completeness, safety, peace and tranquility. In other words, Jesus is the one who is able to bring peace and tranquility in every situation. He is our champion of peace when we are surrounded with chaos.

Jesus said in John 14:27 that the gift of peace is not one the world gives, instead the gift of peace is only available in Him. No new planning system or expensive organization tool can give you peace, only Jesus. In Ruth Chou Simons’ devotional Emmanuel she puts it this way, “we access the peace of God when we surrender to the Prince of Peace.” Will you surrender to Jesus today?

Surrender doesn’t come naturally. Most days I have plans to accomplish very specific tasks and when life gets in the way and my plans get derailed, peace is the last word I’d use to describe my heart and mind. Just this week my youngest son came down with strep throat for the second time in less than a month. I found myself managing a mix of emotions, glad I was able to pivot and care for my sick baby but grieving losing the things I’d planned – a meal with a friend, writing and more. It was hard to balance my emotions and embrace His peace, as I teetered between holding tight to my disappointment and so desperately wanting to walk surrendered to Him. This week I learned that peace isn’t the absence of disappointment instead peace is allowing room in my heart for God’s more perfect plans. No matter how great my plans may seem, His plans are always better.

On the days I’ve taken time to surrender my plans to Him, I’m full of peace because I’ve put my trust completely in the Prince of Peace. 

The most effect way I’ve found to surrender to Jesus and walk in His peace is to prioritize reading my Bible and praying daily. In John 15:5 Jesus says “I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” To remain, or stay connected, to Jesus is impossible without knowing His word and conversing with Him in prayer. And to remain in Jesus brings the promise of fruit, including peace (Galatians 5:22).

When I spend time reading and praying, my heart is calmer, and my mind is more focused on what is most important. When I read and talk to Jesus, He recenters my mind and heart on Him, giving me the ability to see as He does, respond to unplanned circumstances as He would, and speak with grace and love. As I prioritize my time with Jesus, His peace fills every aspect of my life. The number one way to experience peace amidst the chaos of life is to seek Jesus and to depend on Him in all things. He is faithful and can be trusted.

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