Three Steps to Jump Start Your Progress

Dreaming Again: Part Two

In my last post I shared how my dream started. If you missed it, read it here.

For a long time I struggled with how to take my dream and actually make progress. I had no idea where to begin.

Today’s post will explore the initial three steps I’ve found most helpful in moving my dream from a vague idea to something on which I have made measurable progress.

Write it Down

As I’ve explored the art of dreaming, I’ve learned that a dream becomes more real when I write it down. The act of putting words on paper gives me clarity I didn’t have when my dream was simply an idea floating around in my head. Words help me narrow my focus and process my feelings.

Write down your dream in clear, concise language. Record it in a journal or on an index card. Place it where you can see it regularly to remind you where you want to go and all you’d like to accomplish.

Say it Out Loud

In my last post I mentioned the first time I shared my writing dream with a friend. It was scary but exhilarating and, most of all, encouraging. Telling someone else about my dream was my first act of obedience. It was an acknowledgment of what God had impressed upon me and demonstrated my trust and surrender to His will.

Pray about sharing your dream. Ask the Lord who is one person with whom you should share it. Find a trusted friend, schedule a coffee date with them, and tell them about the dream God has placed on your heart.

Sharing your dream, out loud with another person is a great step of obedience to the vision God has entrusted to you. It also provides a simple form of accountability. If you feel up to it, ask your friend to check on your progress.

Start Small

Sometimes dreams are really big… hello, like writing a book? An idea may feel completely overwhelming. It took me years to take my dream of writing a book from an initial idea to writing anything at all. Imposter syndrome, (questioning my qualifications and skills as a writer), is a huge hurdle I confront time and time again.

I had no idea where to start. My first steps included googling “How to write a book” and following other authors I love on social media. As silly as those actions may seem, they lead to the best advice I’ve received so far, “Just start writing as often as possible.”

So, I started there. I squeezed in writing time whenever and wherever I could. I vividly remember writing a post from a lawn chair in my driveway as my boys scribbled chalk drawings beside me. Writing when I was able was the beginning of setting up a blog. In my first two years of blogging, I only posted eight times, BUT it was a start. It was measurable progress. Eight blog posts is more than zero, right?

Figure out a small step you can take towards living your dream. Make your first step so small it is impossible not to do. Maybe your first step is reading this blog post. If you’re like me, you can add that to your “to do” list and cross it off to motivate you to keep going. Then figure out the next small step and schedule when you will take it.

Be on the lookout for my next blog post! In it I’ll share practical ways to make your dream a priority and how to make progress even when prioritizing your dream seems impossible. Blessings friends!

Up next: Prioritizing Your Dream – Dreaming Again: Part Three

13 thoughts on “Three Steps to Jump Start Your Progress

  1. I love how you laid it out so simply. My husband and I have been dreaming for awhile on something and lately we realized we need to actually do something about it – these steps have come at the right time!

    • Nichole, I’m so glad that this came at the right time. Prayer for you and hubby as your dream big and start moving in that directions.

    • Deborah – thanks for reading. It has been really fun to learn how God has been shaping others dreams too. Reminds me how creative He is <3

  2. Not only are you working toward the dream God placed on your heart you are sharing steps to help others. We do need each and one reason is to encourage one another! Thanks for the example of obedience too.

    • Yes! Susan you are so right. I firmly believe one of the reasons God gives us dreams is to encourage others on similar journeys. Thanks for being here!

  3. Pingback: Prioritizing Your Dream - The Tiny Spark Blog

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