Where to find Joy and How to Keep it

Something you may or may not know about me; I’m a Christmas baby.

My first visit to see Santa with my two older sisters.

Bright and early on the coldest Christmas ever recorded in Pittsburgh history, my dad and his neighbor pushed the family car up our icy hill just to make it to the hospital in time.

Fittingly, my parents named me Kimberly Joy.

I’ve always loved my middle name and felt like it has contributed to my sunny disposition.

To be regarded as a person dominated by joy would be a cherished appraisal and one I would like to embody not just during the Christmas season but all year long.

However, joy can be elusive. Hard to find. Harder to keep.

How do I practice joy when I’m overwhelmed by life’s demands? How do I find joy when I’m rushing to cross something of my Christmas list, disappointed by someone’s words or actions towards me, or stressed about finances, kids grades and the health of a loved one?

Finding Joy

The secret to finding and keeping joy this holiday season, and all year, is to stay connected to Jesus.

Galatians 5 names joy as a fruit of the spirit. Here Paul instructs us to allow the Holy Spirit to guide our lives, and in doing so, we will produce love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Jesus explains it another way in John 15:5. He says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing.” The simplest way to find joy is to stay connected to the Vine, Jesus.

Keeping Joy

I accidentally tested this idea over Thanksgiving break. I had the honor of hosting family for the holiday and my schedule and thoughts were quickly consumed by meal preparations, family activities, and all the other things that go along with hosting.

One of the first things that got squeezed out of my day was the time I usually spend reading my Bible and writing in my prayer journal. At first nothing seemed off. But looking back over the week, I now see as each day passed, I grew more tired, my patience was thinner, my responses to others were sharper, and I felt more alone despite having a house full of people I love.

I see now that my lack of connection with the true Vine was affecting every part of me – my emotions, my physical body, and my mental well-being.

Once I realized how I was feeling and why, I carved out some time to reconnect with Jesus. For me that meant making my favorite cup of tea, reading from the Bible and spending time journaling my prayers to Him. I try not to focus too much on the words I use or reading the perfect scripture. Instead, I focus on being still with Jesus, leaving space for Him to speak so I can listen.  There I found joy.

Joy isn’t in keeping all the holiday traditions or finding the perfect gift. Joy is in Jesus.

I pray that as Christmas draws near you find ways to stay connected to our true Vine. In Him you will find never-ending, always present joy.

Looking for Peace this holiday season? Read my previous blog series called Finding Peace in the Chaos.

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