Our True Calling… Love Others

This week has given me new appreciation for the freedoms I hold dear. Freedom to run to the grocery store when I’m running low on milk. Freedom to send my kids to a public school that not only teaches my children, but loves and encourages them too. Freedom to check out books at my local library, and even have them delivered straight to my door (what!?! – shout out to Orange County Public Library!!!) Believe me; the list could go on and on.

I’m reminded of Galatians 5:13-14 which states, “For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead use your freedom to serve one another in love. For the whole law can be summed up in this one command; ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

In other words, God gave me freedom not so I would completely focus on my own needs and desires, but instead to demonstrate love to those around me.

I’ve realized I have been using my freedom as a way “to satisfy my sinful nature.” I have allowed my stress and anxiety to push me into unhealthy practices – mainly binge watching TV, over indulging in chocolate, and mindlessly scrolling social media. Not that these actions are inherently wrong or bad, but I was allowing them to be my comfort and peace. However, there is only one true source of comfort and peace. His name is Jesus (2 Corinthians 1:3-4 and Philippians 4:6-7).

But the verses in Galatians don’t stop there; they give us a call to action. Go love others!

Loving others is challenging under normal circumstances, so how do I love others from at least six feet away?

I’ve decided to start small at home by finding ways to better love those under my own roof.

To better love my family through these unique times, I’ve started listing the positives. I’m literally writing out a list of the unexpected blessings these times have unveiled. For example, we have sat down and had more family dinners than ever before. There are so many positive things about this, one being my kids are asking (borderline pleading) to be the ones to pray before we eat. And man, the honest prayers of a three-year-old and six-year-old are so very sweet, and sometimes hilarious. What treasured evidence that God is working on their hearts as He shapes mine as well.

I’ve also been clinging to these verses for encouragement – attached here in a printable format. So when I find myself yelling and on the verge of giving into all those self-seeking practices, I start reading these verses, praying them in an effort to save me from actions and words I’ll later regret.

I’m also working on how to love others outside my home.

You don’t have to look far to see some amazing examples of how people are loving others – from leaving large tips to food service workers, drawing encouraging sidewalk chalk messages, to volunteering at local food banks. Here are some things I’m doing (or plan to do) with my kids to demonstrate love to others:

  • Write snail mail letters to family members or elderly in assisted living facilities. I learned that Hallmark is even giving away greeting card packs to encourage us to send notes to one another. There’s something special about getting real mail. If you don’t have time or stamps, send an email or text message to someone and let them know you’re thinking of them. Everyone likes being pursued and thought of, no matter the form of communication. Unsure of who to write to? Try writing to shut-ins, first responders, teachers, etc.
  • Host a virtual party or happy hour. A dear friend of mine is having a baby this month. I’m currently working on getting our friends to “shower” her with emails, cards, etc. to show her that we love her and are praying for her.
  • Ask your kids to find ways to show love to those within your home. Suggest they make someone else’s bed in the morning, or unload the dishwasher, etc. Talk to them about loving others as themselves and what that looks like at home within your own family.

I’d love to hear how you have been demonstrating love to others during this time of social distancing. Drop me a comment below so the kiddos and I can try it too.

Virtual hugs, sweet friends!


UPDATE: I found another free card giveaway – this one is from Mercy House a fair trade company. Use promo code “HAPPYMAIL” and select the happy mail shipping option to get one card free.

2 thoughts on “Our True Calling… Love Others

  1. Having just moved into our new home, I’ve been meeting people in our neighborhood. People are home more currently, are working in their yards and taking walks in our small, quite community. So we will talk a little while maintaining our distances. Later I will drop a personal contact card in their doorway and include a brief note inviting them to call for anything even if it’s just to talk. I’m also unpacking boxes!

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